Tag Archives: love

Why People Blog: Meaning of the Word Amateur

“…We’re starting to shift from being passive consumers to active producers. And we’re doing it for the love of it (the word ‘amateur’ derives from the Latin amator, ‘lover,’ from amare, ‘to love’). You can see it all around you–the extent to which amateur blogs are sharing attention with mainstream media…” (p. 63)

What To Do If You Don’t Feel In Love

“The great psychologist, Dr. George W. Crane, said in his famous book, Applied Psychology (Chicago: Hopkins Syndicate, Inc., 1950) ‘Remember, motions are the precursors of emotions. You can’t control the latter directly but only through your choice of motions or actions… To avoid this all too common tragedy (marital difficulties and misunderstandings) become aware of the true psychological facts. Go through the proper motions each day and you’ll soon begin to feel the corresponding emotions! Just be sure you and your mate go through those motions of dates and kisses, the phrasing of sincere daily compliments, plus the many other little courtesies, and you need not worry about the emotion of love. You can’t act devoted for very long without feeling devoted.'” (p. 60)